Sunday, 6 July 2014

What is alopecia and mens hair style

Now a days What is alopecia became a common questions. Hair falling is not less problems for boys. Not   pregnancy. There are variety of solution to prevent alopecia areata. Before taking action most important to know the reason of hair falling/bald. Prematurely hair falling and hair color change is almost the same reasons. trends of become bald seen in boys mostly. There are many causes of baldness at an early age.
only boys hair loss could be

Reasons of alopecia:

Hair may loss reason of taking extra fast food, chocolate rather than balanced.
Being deficiencies of nutritional hair may loss.
Do not wash the hair before combing
Hair may  fall for combing backwards for a long time.
Combing for a long time. 
Used excess shampoo or conditioner
Putting more heat on hair.
Use a hot iron on wet hair.
Lake of proper treatment after pregnancy.
Over use of  gel or woman/man hair style product which made of chemicals .

7 secrets alopecia treatments

Water is the most beneficial medicine for hair health. Plenty of fresh water keeps our body fresh such as the hair. A mature man should drink three liters a day. Oil plays a lot role to eliminate bald coarseness. Olive oil or castor oil or any types of oil help  to  smooths hair. Before sleeping it’s better solution use oil message on hair and the next morning cleaned up with shampoo. As a result hair is tough to scratch. Olive makes hair soft and silky.

Mix vinegar and water can reduce dandruff and hair roots grids. Diet play a big role in the protecting hairstyles.
Removing dandruff will take down with onion juice massage.
Mixing banana, egg yolk, apples, papaya, oranges etc with twenty minutes
Putting a mixture (banana, egg yolk, apples, papaya, oranges ) on hair up to 40 min the hair feeling come back.
To protect the head and hair vacuum can be used for many different hats or caps.
Avoid using a hair dryer to dry the hair as much as possible.
Hair should not dry on sunlight. As a result hair can be splitting.

Use off eggs.

Putting on hair eggs and coconut mixture . After twenty minutes cleaned with shampoo with cool water. This pack makes hair conditioners will work as will strengthen hair. Hair enhances the beauty of human. Very conscious news bald celebrities become worried reason of alopecia.So everyone should be cautious abut hair falling using proper treatment.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Short term ketogenic diet Dite plan for skin, Breast adenocarcinoma

By eating well you give yourself the best possible chance at coping with both the disease and your therapy. Doctors, nurses, and researchers are finding that patients who have a balanced diet during treatment are better able to withstand its side effects. Eating well means choosing a variety of foods chart that contain vitamins, minerals protein and other elements needed to keep the body working normally. Your food list will depend on your cancer. The food list of a breast cancer patient is different from a skin cancer patients. However, you are the type of cancer patients you should avoid some food like RED MEAT ITEMS - Beef, Sausage, Bacon, Luncheon meats etc. besides make a cancer fighting food list/vitamin food chart  in  daily routine.

Fruits and Vegetables: Choose a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Always prepare  your food on healthy way
Always make a awareness mind on beast, Skin or others cancer. Proper diet ,eating protein on budget balanced meal plans help to destroy cancer. Breast cancer short term awareness is become a post medicine.